Head Ofice -121 Park Lane, London W Head Office FINE COUNTRY FINE COUNTRY 1121 ParkLane, london W! Ofoen nover 300 koctons woridwide Offices in over 300 locations worldwide Local espertse, national presence, intemationul audence Local expertise, national presence, ntemational audence LANE HOUSE BROOOUSE Beleed ta be amorgt the rehoom but nte HOLLYHEAD FARM ABBEYSTEAD The prorty nd omer li LANCASTER tas ome fone buit property a set ongprivte de tem buldng re Hoet e property bots ere de The ednson has been ued for + UNIN erdetve wthage doute bedroomndrte wt room howeer would ee or te home offoe rabea onl pton room w Fren coos openng oro he p de pto Themreater ee oma pton onsa lge moe inten we adonng parey ndage ity on Ta the foor the fnly batvoom nd four bedrooms that ndude tve el proportioned doubin nd age bedroom rCE brgenenton whe lmose beng buit nthe ry optae o e bes rondng vees h me could check the cate npre ption rooms four double bedrooms and unpie nonge pace Whatmuly LANCASHIRE red arongt ater fuuend churdu homes conete fom Ge he 00.000 tefont wa telyndicaped tort gdensuoundd ty toric accommodaton t out oer to foor tht inu eterion G he C5000 e comertehoe ofersa y ortuched stone but tnly ho Ca Co Lance hongeterend prngod entidtanouttopprmty m Theesgnt 4 voofoude duing pr nt e Tereso aet tou conpine s on priate ding a Te prdensfer pae for eerre fon te p ka farp pond wte trbbery pre te eng puts kadng te eet podeni af prden emicley meicund tort lan tPCE F C FC Le D Le D Seuh La e Cerang ISHZ S Lane Spah Laire Laner Gaang Re vey feed o y I NI Head Ofice -121 Park Lane, London W Head Office FINE COUNTRY FINE COUNTRY 1121 ParkLane, london W! Ofoen nover 300 koctons woridwide Offices in over 300 locations worldwide Local espertse, national presence, intemationul audence Local expertise, national presence, ntemational audence LANE HOUSE BROOOUSE Beleed ta be amorgt the rehoom but nte HOLLYHEAD FARM ABBEYSTEAD The prorty nd omer li LANCASTER tas ome fone buit property a set ongprivte de tem buldng re Hoet e property bots ere de The ednson has been ued for + UNIN erdetve wthage doute bedroomndrte wt room howeer would ee or te home offoe rabea onl pton room w Fren coos openng oro he p de pto Themreater ee oma pton onsa lge moe inten we adonng parey ndage ity on Ta the foor the fnly batvoom nd four bedrooms that ndude tve el proportioned doubin nd age bedroom rCE brgenenton whe lmose beng buit nthe ry optae o e bes rondng vees h me could check the cate npre ption rooms four double bedrooms and unpie nonge pace Whatmuly LANCASHIRE red arongt ater fuuend churdu homes conete fom Ge he 00.000 tefont wa telyndicaped tort gdensuoundd ty toric accommodaton t out oer to foor tht inu eterion G he C5000 e comertehoe ofersa y ortuched stone but tnly ho Ca Co Lance hongeterend prngod entidtanouttopprmty m Theesgnt 4 voofoude duing pr nt e Tereso aet tou conpine s on priate ding a Te prdensfer pae for eerre fon te p ka farp pond wte trbbery pre te eng puts kadng te eet podeni af prden emicley meicund tort lan tPCE F C FC Le D Le D Seuh La e Cerang ISHZ S Lane Spah Laire Laner Gaang Re vey feed o y I NI