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    June 8, 2021
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Head Office 119/121 Park Lane. London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience PENDLETON LANCASHRE LongAesaoert temy home locteda poston on the ats of Citeroe Set over tee 00 000 foors wth four repton room bedrooms nduding annee) and fve bathrooms the hou ndt coroonately 333 sh (gn ndammaculately presented and martaned Surounded by supert and Cornar R Wley prtendped prdens ind grounds wie loly vien ths property truly indvidul nd well pced for 44 Oi oconmng and the Roole Valey schoos Saaly moed and gaded under the curent ourerto SAWLEY LANCASHRE THoeaspe, fo tedroomed drtahed tany homeaArea of Ountanding hanr eaty (AON of he rouh of Bowland The houe stands in a conenient yet rural locaton in betaeen the vilage of EY00.000tey andButonywand near Cteroe The spacious and wet presented houe offers fete family Cana Reble Vlley ccomemodtion and octpies a privite and ractive seting with mure grders ndgounds with delgeu a5 a ves Apet locaton for commung to wthen Lancatreorhie, and wth amarket own on the recommended and winot duppoint doonteg. tary npection is advit FENCE LANCASHIRE U ACCRING TON LANCAS teent ooono Badwoed fam ba home re es olon edegopn ohepen pan dnng terrbooom w nd koy pnaniy voom pluapacion indng pilery boenaly ge prite togetter poromy re e y ptored brotng beng te sng darote Mr ng eletango Eet veares oe det ndvdal ndpetic coneron fomamer thurch t ng contemporryor bedroon pery C0.000 orng ado a guny nt i e belu buldng ha oe buldng overloked y the at teonnhe iementethe mr ndpe peng to he hot Co R ey fe ter dbe bedroom Gar R ey ng I254 a beat de pes. Sot pooedtongedete Ela one orvengee MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! Lae D Garang R ey La Dir Lan Garvang Ro vey Lancaer South Lanche Souh Lance 22 em re Great an Pa 73 ly 225en n Gre Brn I Pa 75 oon gotaly Head Office 119/121 Park Lane. London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience PENDLETON LANCASHRE LongAesaoert temy home locteda poston on the ats of Citeroe Set over tee 00 000 foors wth four repton room bedrooms nduding annee) and fve bathrooms the hou ndt coroonately 333 sh (gn ndammaculately presented and martaned Surounded by supert and Cornar R Wley prtendped prdens ind grounds wie loly vien ths property truly indvidul nd well pced for 44 Oi oconmng and the Roole Valey schoos Saaly moed and gaded under the curent ourerto SAWLEY LANCASHRE THoeaspe, fo tedroomed drtahed tany homeaArea of Ountanding hanr eaty (AON of he rouh of Bowland The houe stands in a conenient yet rural locaton in betaeen the vilage of EY00.000tey andButonywand near Cteroe The spacious and wet presented houe offers fete family Cana Reble Vlley ccomemodtion and octpies a privite and ractive seting with mure grders ndgounds with delgeu a5 a ves Apet locaton for commung to wthen Lancatreorhie, and wth amarket own on the recommended and winot duppoint doonteg. tary npection is advit FENCE LANCASHIRE U ACCRING TON LANCAS teent ooono Badwoed fam ba home re es olon edegopn ohepen pan dnng terrbooom w nd koy pnaniy voom pluapacion indng pilery boenaly ge prite togetter poromy re e y ptored brotng beng te sng darote Mr ng eletango Eet veares oe det ndvdal ndpetic coneron fomamer thurch t ng contemporryor bedroon pery C0.000 orng ado a guny nt i e belu buldng ha oe buldng overloked y the at teonnhe iementethe mr ndpe peng to he hot Co R ey fe ter dbe bedroom Gar R ey ng I254 a beat de pes. Sot pooedtongedete Ela one orvengee MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! Lae D Garang R ey La Dir Lan Garvang Ro vey Lancaer South Lanche Souh Lance 22 em re Great an Pa 73 ly 225en n Gre Brn I Pa 75 oon gotaly