Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Local expertise, national presence, international audience Local expertise, national presence, international audience RIMINGTON LANCASHRE A mgcert propety onevng an elened ponon on e ous of Rimegonthung iong ditance vew towards the Yorkshire Thvee Pes. Boncod Houeammaclanly preerted so an exceptonal tanderd Large open plan ving dnng ktchen sitng room, dning room Fe bedroom he bathroom Gym Cornar Rb wley ofice.gemes room bedroome secontaned ane sua eriereurounded ty foma lerdped +4 Oa ders and lemce with sumer hoe nd etere lred grden VEWNG SESSENTAL TO APPRECIATE HELLOR BAOOK LANCASHRE Woodand Brook Melor SHOW HOME NOW OrNONLY 3 ROTS EMANING 2150.000 (S95.50- CARS.000 peoction koury homes on an ecve develpment win he e Valey These S bedroomed Canat Roble Vlley detachet amly homes are suming in degn and presertation and inpection wit not dsppo But by w 5 repected ees buders ate have an ecellert vrak record for producing high quny hoes fhed to THE QUALITYAND eNOFTHS SUPEFAMLY HOME cacing specicaton Cal soday to book a viewing MELLOR LANCASHRE Ab detached ongnal Georgan fantoe of Woodid Pek Fam set in the desrible pted ESS0.000 eeen cortemporry and tadtorales with roon to end (n prevo plaing permsion for Comar Rae ey conservatory epired 2010 in the procma of applying for pleving permsion for contmporary edersion +4I24 O hitectural plans dra dout nd prde COLNE LANCASsRE Anelegant tore buit fomer mit owres reidence loctedna quet reidentama between Barrowlord and commnity oWoodiod Ht wihin he Rie Valey The our doute bedroom home provides an ecelert m Colne w eler cos he Neon motor nete Ths well cared lor hisnoric seven bedroom home 21,130,000 etare mary orgrle incudng omte pter res ongral frepiaces and m lery The houe Coren Rae vdey et withen fomal gardere and grounds odending to appronimutey a wh senna court and a furter I 1254 a acre of adacent granng ind alabie to purcheie by sepirate negotaton in addibon to the house there in seperte conh hone wth spco te beroom aver and pragrg beo aanna ofe onon Lke D IS 00 Lancter I Garang R South Lanhie 22 em r Great an La Dri Lan Garvang South Lanc 225n n Grt Brn Pa 73 offem ly P 75on ly Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINE COUNTRY Local expertise, national presence, international audience Local expertise, national presence, international audience RIMINGTON LANCASHRE A mgcert propety onevng an elened ponon on e ous of Rimegonthung iong ditance vew towards the Yorkshire Thvee Pes. Boncod Houeammaclanly preerted so an exceptonal tanderd Large open plan ving dnng ktchen sitng room, dning room Fe bedroom he bathroom Gym Cornar Rb wley ofice.gemes room bedroome secontaned ane sua eriereurounded ty foma lerdped +4 Oa ders and lemce with sumer hoe nd etere lred grden VEWNG SESSENTAL TO APPRECIATE HELLOR BAOOK LANCASHRE Woodand Brook Melor SHOW HOME NOW OrNONLY 3 ROTS EMANING 2150.000 (S95.50- CARS.000 peoction koury homes on an ecve develpment win he e Valey These S bedroomed Canat Roble Vlley detachet amly homes are suming in degn and presertation and inpection wit not dsppo But by w 5 repected ees buders ate have an ecellert vrak record for producing high quny hoes fhed to THE QUALITYAND eNOFTHS SUPEFAMLY HOME cacing specicaton Cal soday to book a viewing MELLOR LANCASHRE Ab detached ongnal Georgan fantoe of Woodid Pek Fam set in the desrible pted ESS0.000 eeen cortemporry and tadtorales with roon to end (n prevo plaing permsion for Comar Rae ey conservatory epired 2010 in the procma of applying for pleving permsion for contmporary edersion +4I24 O hitectural plans dra dout nd prde COLNE LANCASsRE Anelegant tore buit fomer mit owres reidence loctedna quet reidentama between Barrowlord and commnity oWoodiod Ht wihin he Rie Valey The our doute bedroom home provides an ecelert m Colne w eler cos he Neon motor nete Ths well cared lor hisnoric seven bedroom home 21,130,000 etare mary orgrle incudng omte pter res ongral frepiaces and m lery The houe Coren Rae vdey et withen fomal gardere and grounds odending to appronimutey a wh senna court and a furter I 1254 a acre of adacent granng ind alabie to purcheie by sepirate negotaton in addibon to the house there in seperte conh hone wth spco te beroom aver and pragrg beo aanna ofe onon Lke D IS 00 Lancter I Garang R South Lanhie 22 em r Great an La Dri Lan Garvang South Lanc 225n n Grt Brn Pa 73 offem ly P 75on ly