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  • Published Date

    January 19, 2020
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FINE COUNTRY COUNTRY FINE Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG Head Office 1 19/121 Park Lane, London WIK ZAG Local expertise, national presence, international audience Local expertise, national presence, intemational audience CUTHEROE LANCASHRE Mey Lodge loctedna cerl yer prie poton andsunded by bea andicaped grders whih r1s o00 ure the house ie hidden from vew This peb 5 bedroom famly home with spacios ving BALDERSTONE LANCASHRE Sandodaueing se dthed stone buit bam conieronconerient yet private and rano (TVm location Vetbule, pc Coairoom ver la Loung famly Room, Dining Room Sudy Feted Dining Kuhen * Uity Room. Gunt Bedroom with oc EnSute Shower Room of Fint Foor Landng Games RoomSecond Cartoct Rbble Valley Longe. Meter Bedrooms with Joc Shower Room and Wn wirdrte o Teo ethe Bedrooms and ec 44 01254 i Hlose Batroon Oude a Drivay leads to a Double Garge There are cve foma Gardens many la wth tone fagged pabo and launed ara I paddodk Addtional woodand to frort ocommodation fnihod to the highest standird, inpection wil not dappoirt. Locited within mut rom Cieroe ton centre many amenites are withn wkng dance mang ad parkng fornumero hdes double prag Cor Reley 4124Oal anproperty ot ts be msed Tere BRINSCALL LANCASHIRE Aubetarta thee four bedroom delached property ina quet tocation on the oubkof Chorley and nded byg vle propertes Nown reed of some covnetic graing and pred ordngy Soecon hing acrommodson and gereron perdens wth parag and outuidng lor converion ubect to ey LEAGRAM LANCASHRE This sbvtarti mly homes set inaung locationwth outtanding long dstance view to the fron and re Ofers Over 00.000 odeni desand contrution and beay preseted tvoughout there a Sbedo ndrpon rooms ela conoomporary dnng knchen whichire to inpres. Therea inngal gragn large prden and Carean Rable Valey a feld of approimatnly 2acres induded in the ule Viewing h ental to appreciane the location and vinwn A5 000 slnng corent Cora Garang S Lanre Souh Lance Lae D La Dir Lan Garvang Lancster 225 Gree in 2 en r Gr P 73 ly FINE COUNTRY COUNTRY FINE Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG Head Office 1 19/121 Park Lane, London WIK ZAG Local expertise, national presence, international audience Local expertise, national presence, intemational audience CUTHEROE LANCASHRE Mey Lodge loctedna cerl yer prie poton andsunded by bea andicaped grders whih r1s o00 ure the house ie hidden from vew This peb 5 bedroom famly home with spacios ving BALDERSTONE LANCASHRE Sandodaueing se dthed stone buit bam conieronconerient yet private and rano (TVm location Vetbule, pc Coairoom ver la Loung famly Room, Dining Room Sudy Feted Dining Kuhen * Uity Room. Gunt Bedroom with oc EnSute Shower Room of Fint Foor Landng Games RoomSecond Cartoct Rbble Valley Longe. Meter Bedrooms with Joc Shower Room and Wn wirdrte o Teo ethe Bedrooms and ec 44 01254 i Hlose Batroon Oude a Drivay leads to a Double Garge There are cve foma Gardens many la wth tone fagged pabo and launed ara I paddodk Addtional woodand to frort ocommodation fnihod to the highest standird, inpection wil not dappoirt. Locited within mut rom Cieroe ton centre many amenites are withn wkng dance mang ad parkng fornumero hdes double prag Cor Reley 4124Oal anproperty ot ts be msed Tere BRINSCALL LANCASHIRE Aubetarta thee four bedroom delached property ina quet tocation on the oubkof Chorley and nded byg vle propertes Nown reed of some covnetic graing and pred ordngy Soecon hing acrommodson and gereron perdens wth parag and outuidng lor converion ubect to ey LEAGRAM LANCASHRE This sbvtarti mly homes set inaung locationwth outtanding long dstance view to the fron and re Ofers Over 00.000 odeni desand contrution and beay preseted tvoughout there a Sbedo ndrpon rooms ela conoomporary dnng knchen whichire to inpres. Therea inngal gragn large prden and Carean Rable Valey a feld of approimatnly 2acres induded in the ule Viewing h ental to appreciane the location and vinwn A5 000 slnng corent Cora Garang S Lanre Souh Lance Lae D La Dir Lan Garvang Lancster 225 Gree in 2 en r Gr P 73 ly