Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK TAG FINE SCOUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience 8 CASTLE PARK LANCASTER nedndsptesclymoted Cae hoong how forgra Patol hrogha frot dor wde eough oaccommodte ean * cha und the ned skira of the sme you wil be immedunty draan e by the gedand weloroporioned amiy home Cont Lancaer he geeti po with hgh celing nda sngartne leh ron he tee foos Thet rea llof ee *44IS24 30oon oomsalg deg inte and bur doble tedoons tu mo prngotal ne peaalel prde png and Mubery Comag-atetaic and popuir one bed annee w eming ooteral C-E BEAUMONT COTE NETHER KELLET T Grade ed proey panfa erod coy hoend provides psomnodon arou foon reception rpomabradat kchen and separ utity a maner enute LANCASTER bret em Cone tenf trom to Guide Price CRS.000of Ceorgan tourho ng te a Guide Price 0.000 tedoomwn her doule bedrooms andavtie seond foor cuently dnoedw peom Mry roomseoy onling ed wthr tou rgral shindos lokngod o he suroundng prdes and code The pot ennd nd 12es and inddes a prv a roed dose pre 4IS24 coul moe, lgaled courtardp lared and pato and awoodund aa. C-benpt HOLLYHEAD FARM AEYSTEAD, H rounded by bea trddo iee WEST LODGE ALOCLF, WLopreerctingpotty efe meted v e lre moderedgendb p n fom Lacee Che wropertesofhe Ade H E Surordnt bea S tet det ey home poom The ppety febe ene ly LANCASTER y LANCASTER te Guide Price ASO.00 orgnh n pue on the bea undng bur doutie broon andanpe dong pWhe Guide Price S.000 edoe b lany hameveon te home uniuethe imprend upringound the efoemourtng to proemy 2m Thenarat soncon af a onptota of hothes indudng prndworo pce here letate ige rer hoe compleirwith pr ingeeteteretf gelatemet ty alde teden t CE ymataned and updend dung the me heroundng prd ugrindea Cat Cona Lanc engte t lee oe wthage pot wron ht nd bahn *1 e eteg ed e ewingnt t det dpr C-D n 22 em re Great an Pa 7 ly Garng R ey Souh Lanhe South La RSA ar Le D Lancaster Lae D Lana Garvang 225en n Gre Brn P 75 y Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK TAG FINE SCOUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience 8 CASTLE PARK LANCASTER nedndsptesclymoted Cae hoong how forgra Patol hrogha frot dor wde eough oaccommodte ean * cha und the ned skira of the sme you wil be immedunty draan e by the gedand weloroporioned amiy home Cont Lancaer he geeti po with hgh celing nda sngartne leh ron he tee foos Thet rea llof ee *44IS24 30oon oomsalg deg inte and bur doble tedoons tu mo prngotal ne peaalel prde png and Mubery Comag-atetaic and popuir one bed annee w eming ooteral C-E BEAUMONT COTE NETHER KELLET T Grade ed proey panfa erod coy hoend provides psomnodon arou foon reception rpomabradat kchen and separ utity a maner enute LANCASTER bret em Cone tenf trom to Guide Price CRS.000of Ceorgan tourho ng te a Guide Price 0.000 tedoomwn her doule bedrooms andavtie seond foor cuently dnoedw peom Mry roomseoy onling ed wthr tou rgral shindos lokngod o he suroundng prdes and code The pot ennd nd 12es and inddes a prv a roed dose pre 4IS24 coul moe, lgaled courtardp lared and pato and awoodund aa. C-benpt HOLLYHEAD FARM AEYSTEAD, H rounded by bea trddo iee WEST LODGE ALOCLF, WLopreerctingpotty efe meted v e lre moderedgendb p n fom Lacee Che wropertesofhe Ade H E Surordnt bea S tet det ey home poom The ppety febe ene ly LANCASTER y LANCASTER te Guide Price ASO.00 orgnh n pue on the bea undng bur doutie broon andanpe dong pWhe Guide Price S.000 edoe b lany hameveon te home uniuethe imprend upringound the efoemourtng to proemy 2m Thenarat soncon af a onptota of hothes indudng prndworo pce here letate ige rer hoe compleirwith pr ingeeteteretf gelatemet ty alde teden t CE ymataned and updend dung the me heroundng prd ugrindea Cat Cona Lanc engte t lee oe wthage pot wron ht nd bahn *1 e eteg ed e ewingnt t det dpr C-D n 22 em re Great an Pa 7 ly Garng R ey Souh Lanhe South La RSA ar Le D Lancaster Lae D Lana Garvang 225en n Gre Brn P 75 y