Head Office 119/121 Park Lane. London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK TAG FINE SCOUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience MELLOR BROOK LANCASHRE ong Hudooe edoon dahonandoet iocon Mlor kote MELLOR LANCASHRE Aet and beay prented oaned hoenaduded ocation on te e and pri Wood Par Ee Meloc the 45 bedroom property ha been meticuloudly mantained and mproved by the ourert onen and satrng 2975.000 hoe The commodtiona fetie and oer four level with ree recpton romr open plan cen dining Cannat Rable Valey me tedoom wth ing nd tetetroom nd Hte bedroos and 2ter brooms Set me prders and pund wea padtock of oprom 2 aos d aderal woodand o approin acaalibleby parate regotton. The aetung vew othe rear over a paand wng to Wirtor oitun tah e aniy hone tandart troutout. Lag hul npet ard wmngtendring ndrucd bthe wd dtoah O5.000 monption ooms lgds Conar Rawley mpese aroneth hnd tered prdes Fe dole bdos ke voos t of ah eto edin +4 Oa D d ped o wing eandoped prds and veWNG SESINTAL TOACA E QUALTYNDINOnEEN AHLY HOME BARROWFORD LANCASHRE Aeegert stone bult former iit owren reideroe otedinaquiet reidential re between Berowford and Cone wth ecelent es o he Noni notory retork Thwel cared o e seven dedroon tome ELI50.000as any orgratures nduding omte plater trs, orgnal places and mintre glery The hose Coar Re ley twhin formal prdendground tnding to proimately3ao with sern court h addton and Appromately iacres of gaoing land locted to the rear of the propert There WADOINGTON LANCASHRE Ane deelopertof or meicloly crvted fve bedroom eecve tomes locted t outade Widdngton. ppromely 5000 sot over tree foon and wil be led to one under ate e roof Cach has ts oun indvdul on rooms opm plan ing kthen dring arman spacous ther detas ale near Cheroe The laten a high tandart The hou are of modem condr Gar R ey deg butalindude spaciou ground foor mwith kature starcene ind fe bedro rog Fres Cory Re vle 2.000 42 O reuded oa parte coh hoe with o and spcos one bedroom aer and prng below MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! arno Lae D Garang R ey Le Du La Garvang Ro ey Souh La Lancaer South Lanche 225on r Gr Bran P 5 ly 2 em r Great in Ma 73 offem gobuly Head Office 119/121 Park Lane. London WIK 7AG FINECOUNTRY Head Office 119/121 Park Lane, London WIK TAG FINE SCOUNTRY Local oxpertise, rutional presence, intermational audence Local expertise, national presence, international audience MELLOR BROOK LANCASHRE ong Hudooe edoon dahonandoet iocon Mlor kote MELLOR LANCASHRE Aet and beay prented oaned hoenaduded ocation on te e and pri Wood Par Ee Meloc the 45 bedroom property ha been meticuloudly mantained and mproved by the ourert onen and satrng 2975.000 hoe The commodtiona fetie and oer four level with ree recpton romr open plan cen dining Cannat Rable Valey me tedoom wth ing nd tetetroom nd Hte bedroos and 2ter brooms Set me prders and pund wea padtock of oprom 2 aos d aderal woodand o approin acaalibleby parate regotton. The aetung vew othe rear over a paand wng to Wirtor oitun tah e aniy hone tandart troutout. Lag hul npet ard wmngtendring ndrucd bthe wd dtoah O5.000 monption ooms lgds Conar Rawley mpese aroneth hnd tered prdes Fe dole bdos ke voos t of ah eto edin +4 Oa D d ped o wing eandoped prds and veWNG SESINTAL TOACA E QUALTYNDINOnEEN AHLY HOME BARROWFORD LANCASHRE Aeegert stone bult former iit owren reideroe otedinaquiet reidential re between Berowford and Cone wth ecelent es o he Noni notory retork Thwel cared o e seven dedroon tome ELI50.000as any orgratures nduding omte plater trs, orgnal places and mintre glery The hose Coar Re ley twhin formal prdendground tnding to proimately3ao with sern court h addton and Appromately iacres of gaoing land locted to the rear of the propert There WADOINGTON LANCASHRE Ane deelopertof or meicloly crvted fve bedroom eecve tomes locted t outade Widdngton. ppromely 5000 sot over tree foon and wil be led to one under ate e roof Cach has ts oun indvdul on rooms opm plan ing kthen dring arman spacous ther detas ale near Cheroe The laten a high tandart The hou are of modem condr Gar R ey deg butalindude spaciou ground foor mwith kature starcene ind fe bedro rog Fres Cory Re vle 2.000 42 O reuded oa parte coh hoe with o and spcos one bedroom aer and prng below MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! MORE PROPERTIES URGENTY REQUIRED - BUYERS WAITING! arno Lae D Garang R ey Le Du La Garvang Ro ey Souh La Lancaer South Lanche 225on r Gr Bran P 5 ly 2 em r Great in Ma 73 offem gobuly